Brundage Bungalows

This just in from the  Lake Cascade Recreation Area & Cascade Chamber of Commerce


The 4th of July Fireworks ARE happening at Lake Cascade this year!
We have safety precautions put in place, and strongly encourage people to follow social distancing guidelines according to the Idaho Rebounds Plan. Please view the fireworks at your own risk! No food vendors – Same place as last year on the Golf Course. No music vendors are scheduled to be playing before the fireworks at this time. SPACE WILL BE VERY LIMITED we ask that you police yourself and respect others space for social distancing. If you are worried please find a safe place in your cars to enjoy the fireworks (highly encouraged). If you are sick stay home please. Plan on very long wait times after the fireworks are over patience will be important – Boat Ramps, and all roads in and out of Cascade.